
Online Bible

Bible Gateway - English translations and many other languages:

Book: Tragedy Turned to Triumph by Ray Wilson

"She will probably be a cripple for the rest of her life". As a young Christian couple, married for seven years and with three children, the doctor's prediction shocked us profoundly. Whatever would we do?

This story tells of the unfolding trauma that far surpassed the doctor's expectations. It is presented in the hope that it might provide an answer to those who imagine that being a Christian assures an escape from all tragedy and trauma. The fallacy of that idea is proved throughout the Word of God and in the experiences of life. On the other hand, the reality of God's grace sufficient for one day at a time is a proven fact, as Ray and Miriam's story illustrates.

This book can be ordered from Postal Bible Club for AUD$7.50 (includes postage within Australia)

Book: Jump into the Book

This is primarily a companion resource for teachers & parents to the video "The Story of Jesus for Children" (which is available in Australia from Jesus Gift to the Nation, 4 Ingrid St, Dandenong Nth VIC 3175). It contains photocopiable Bible Study Activities for young people 7-12 years of age for each Bible story on the video.

Part 1 - The Birth and Early Life of Jesus is complete. Parts 2 & 3 are soon to be completed. Part 1 can be ordered from Good News Postal Bible Club for $10 (including postage & handling in Australia).

Presentation: How to become a Christian

Website: Answers to questions regarding Christianity

Christian Answers Network:

Website & Convention Centre: Discipleship

RBC Ministries - helpful articles on all manner of topics in several languages:

Belgrave Heights Convention Centre - sound Bible teaching and wonderful music for campers and day visitors each Easter and Christmas holidays in the Dandenongs close to Melbourne. Quality programs are provided for children and Christian fellowship for all: